Is the Bain ( ... education/) engagement at FU with their recommendations complete? If not, when is target completion date?
Will this study/recommendations be made available to the public? If not, how about alumni? If not, who will have access to this study/recommendations?
If complete, what are your comments regarding their recommendations and impact for FU overall?
If complete, what are your comments regarding their recommendations and impact for FU Athletics?
If complete, what are your comments regarding their recommendations and impact for FU Football?
If not yet complete, what are your preliminary comments on the 3 questions above?
It has been reported in the national press that more than a few NCAA D1 Athletics programs are seriously considering / evaluating moving to D2 or, FUBeAR believes, more so, to D3. Without commenting about FU Athletics specifically in this regard, what are your comments on the veracity of this reporting? If you find it all credible, what are your comments, again without commenting specifically about FU, regarding this, SPECIFIC, significant change in the landscape of collegiate athletics.
"Opt in" or "opt out" to House Settlement Compensation Model (RevShare) - where is FU on this? (This may have been announced and FUBeAR missed it).
Same subject - Have all other SoCon schools made this decision? If so, can you tell us which ones are IN or OUT (suddenly FUBeAR has a craving for a burger)?
What does opting in or opting out mean, as specifically as you can relate, in terms of the impact of this decision on Furman Football?
If some SoCon schools opt in and some opt out, what does that mean for competitive balance in the SoCon and, more broadly, in FCS Football?