I don't think of this as a mismatch in any way. Its just that Ole Miss's players are stronger, faster, and more agile. Lane Kiffin, who is a very bad person, has very deceitfully taken advantage of this detail and used it against us.
Lane Kiffin's dog is bandaged on his leg. Its right there on national television for all to see. It appears to be an injury consistent with a possum bite. I think we now know how they killed Madine.
Something went wrong with the mojo. The most obvious culprit is someone in our fanbase has not been in a positive mindset. I dunno who that could be.
Didn't think the UFFP would have me back, perhaps. Well, maybe I'm not "the norm". I don't "wear clothes that fit me". I'm not "hygienic" and "pop my white heads with a compass I used in high school".