Dear FUBear,
Please excuse my transgressions. I mistook the ABBA video for something it was not. And for the record, I always preferred the nazi chick over the blonde.
As to the documentary you posted on the Book of Daniel, that is perhaps the finest recreation of scriptural drama and theological exegesis I have ever seen. When I first played it I had to cut it out quickly, because the social worker said I was not allowed to view teenage boys in wigs wrestling with dogs anymore. “No no no” she said. But I viewed it in full just now, and I proclaim the thespian who played King Nebuchadnezzar to be a master of the dramatic arts. I laughed, I cried… I felt all human emotions all at once. Well done, and thank you for your research.
Dear Bootie,
You are correct. I am sorely shamed that I even considered posting on Samford’s board. You see, I got all caught up in the excitement of casting a mojo against Florida. And that Cujo… jeeze louise. The taunting and abuse I could have delivered. It all seemed so new and stimulating. Titillating, like that girl in high school that everyone warned you about but you dated her anyway because she wore a skirt and was willing to talk to you.
To All,
It appears I am out of the portal. Besides Cecil’s Business School in Asheville, ULM, and Samford the only message boards to show any sincere interest were South Carolina and LSU. They both discontinued talks when I suggested we have online fan video chats showcasing meat puppetry and muck-banging at Stax’s Original Restaurant.
Didn't think the UFFP would have me back, perhaps. Well, maybe I'm not "the norm". I don't "wear clothes that fit me". I'm not "hygienic" and "pop my white heads with a compass I used in high school".