• Stanford Reinstates 11 sports

 #40758  by Fred Garvin
 Tue May 18, 2021 1:52 pm
But Educational Dysfunction was right.....
tim liked this
 #40776  by Affirm
 Tue May 18, 2021 9:51 pm
Fred Garvin wrote:
Tue May 18, 2021 1:52 pm
But Educational Dysfunction was right.....
Roughly $27.7 BILLION endowment vs. roughly $670 million endowment.
Not that endowment should go to sports, but that one school has a very different fund-raising ability than another.
 #40778  by FU3
 Tue May 18, 2021 10:24 pm
It reversed it’s decision because of 2 federal lawsuits filed last week and overwhelming push back from alumni and athletes. Seems other institutions (even those with enormous endowments) aren’t totally tone deaf.
 #40780  by Affirm
 Wed May 19, 2021 7:24 am
FU3 wrote:
Tue May 18, 2021 10:24 pm
It reversed it’s decision because of 2 federal lawsuits filed last week and overwhelming push back from alumni and athletes. Seems other institutions (even those with enormous endowments) aren’t totally tone deaf.
They did not want/need to spend any of their enormous legal budget nor of their enormous endowment fighting 2 federal lawsuits, win or lose.
Perhaps the overwhelming pushback from alumni and athletes included overwhelming financial contributions from alumni and athletes. Apparently the pushback regarding baseball and men’s lacrosse at Furman was not so overwhelming.
 #40782  by FU3
 Wed May 19, 2021 7:42 am
Or maybe a tone deaf administration ignored student athletes, alumni and donors in an ill defined and poorly explained action and unlike at Stanford won’t reconsider under any circumstances. Part of that “ outstandingly good” management style ?
 #40791  by Fred Garvin
 Wed May 19, 2021 2:06 pm
FU3 wrote:
Wed May 19, 2021 10:05 am
Nah... just competent.