• 2021 Spring Season

 #36213  by Fred Garvin
 Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:05 pm
FUBeAR wrote:
Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:45 pm
The Jackal wrote:
Wed Feb 03, 2021 10:44 am
So, we just had a zoom call with the AD and head football coach where they answered every question thrown at them, but NOW people come back to this forum to whine and moan.

Pound sand as far as I'm concerned.
was unable to attend call...

Did the AD and/or Head Football Coach say that they, jointly, or either of them, unilaterally, had made the decision to not allow Fans to attend Furman Football games?

Have prior posts cited either or both of them as the reason why they have chosen to “whine and moan” here?

I know I’m whining, moaning, gnashing my teeth, and tearing my clothes today because I read about issues & decisions by/affecting Chatt, Woffy, and VMI Football. Are there other symptoms of withdrawal that I’m not exhibiting...because I am definitely in the throes of it!

C’mon man...we want to see some ballgames, we want to go to Paladin Stadium, and enjoy one of the most beautiful spaces on God’s green earth. The NFL, FBS Teams, and 1000’s of HS’s across the US have proven that, with proper protocol, Fans CAN safely attend games. Why not us?

I think that’s all anyone here is saying.
Rumor has it that some of the Campus Sustainability Police are concerned that tailgating during a generally wet February will hurt the
campus grass...

And no, I am not making this up
FU69 liked this
 #36215  by The Jackal
 Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:44 pm
I have no inside knowledge of Furman's decision to do or not do certain things. I also don't spend a lot of brain power wishing things I cannot change were different.

Just off the top of my head, I can think of half a dozen or so reasons why Furman may not want thousands of fans on campus for football games. It is not, to my thinking, a question of whether fans can socially distance at Paladin Stadium. I think they probably can.

More compelling, to me, is that allowing fans increases the number of outsiders on campus by a magnitude of potentially several times the population of the school's student body.

With an isolated campus like Furman's, you can make a pretty good argument that allowing fans on campus would increase the likelihood that the football season goes off the rails.
Roundball liked this
 #36218  by Fred Garvin
 Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:08 pm
The Jackal wrote:
Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:44 pm
I have no inside knowledge of Furman's decision to do or not do certain things. I also don't spend a lot of brain power wishing things I cannot change were different.

Just off the top of my head, I can think of half a dozen or so reasons why Furman may not want thousands of fans on campus for football games. It is not, to my thinking, a question of whether fans can socially distance at Paladin Stadium. I think they probably can.

More compelling, to me, is that allowing fans increases the number of outsiders on campus by a magnitude of potentially several times the population of the school's student body.

With an isolated campus like Furman's, you can make a pretty good argument that allowing fans on campus would increase the likelihood that the football season goes off the rails.
Fans have no contact with players. Student body isn't going to attend anyway so don't let them. Set up an Indigo Girls concert feed at the lake and the problem is solved.

How many "sickened outsiders" play a round of golf each week at Furman? It is part of the campus but I guess those folks aren't superspreaders. Lot looks pretty full when I go by and most of them are from dare I say it....Greenville...

They took the current FU reactive model as opposed to an active model approach....easier and we don't get sued...
FUpaladin08 liked this
 #36219  by Roundball
 Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:29 pm
I am just glad football is back. Whether or not I am there makes no difference to me or to the program. I trust Furman to do what is in the best interest of the players and the students. That is all that matters. Some of you folks need to take a deep breath and be proud of being a Furman graduate and appreciate what the administration is doing to keep the campus safe. I will say it again, Furman is not alone is the COVID protocols. We are in the middle of a pandemic. Those in charge are still learning about this virus and are doing the best they can in a terrible situation. I would not want their jobs for a minute. Stop complaining so much and take the time to offer a word of encouragement to those making these difficult decisions. Go Paladins. Beat Western.
 #36220  by Furmanoid
 Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:50 pm
So don’t let the fans out of the corner of campus where the stadium and associated parking lots are. That would be a trivial task. It might take some cones, signs and a few rolls of barricade tape. Maybe 500 bucks. Furman fans are going to comply with whatever you ask. They aren’t like normal fans.

Don’t want the student spectators getting too close to the townies at the game? Sit the students on the visitors side. With about 8 months to plan this, it should have been possible to put in administrative and engineering controls that would have kept additional risk to students negligible.
FUpaladin08, furpal81 liked this
 #36221  by FUBeAR
 Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:54 pm
Roundball wrote:
Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:29 pm
Whether or not I am there makes no difference to me
Interestingly, this is the exact same reason FUBeAR does not engage in discussions about others attending or not attending Slam Poetry nights at Coffee Houses in Virginia Highlands.
fupaladin01 liked this
 #36265  by soconjohn
 Thu Feb 04, 2021 4:24 pm
While Furman's situation and logistics is compelling, has anyone heard the UTC story with its stadium?
Code: Select all
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The first three things reported in this Jan. 17 story (Finley not being available in February, UTC won&#39;t play eight spring games and fall season being the focus) look pretty good right now: <br> <a href="https://t.co/eJVvxC0Kqc">https://t.co/e ... </p>&mdash; Gene Henley (@genehenley3) <a href="
2, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
 #36284  by apaladin
 Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:20 am
In case you haven’t noticed Greenville County numbers have been going steadily down for the last month. “Only” 212 cases new cases yesterday but that is a long way from the peak.
Roundball liked this
 #36288  by aqualung
 Fri Feb 05, 2021 7:41 am
The Jackal wrote:
Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:44 pm
I have no inside knowledge of Furman's decision to do or not do certain things. I also don't spend a lot of brain power wishing things I cannot change were different.

Just off the top of my head, I can think of half a dozen or so reasons why Furman may not want thousands of fans on campus for football games. It is not, to my thinking, a question of whether fans can socially distance at Paladin Stadium. I think they probably can.

More compelling, to me, is that allowing fans increases the number of outsiders on campus by a magnitude of potentially several times the population of the school's student body.

With an isolated campus like Furman's, you can make a pretty good argument that allowing fans on campus would increase the likelihood that the football season goes off the rails.
Wow. This gives some good insight into the kind of people that drive around in their car alone, wearing a mask, and probably a condom just in case.
 #36306  by FUBeAR
 Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:44 am
Roundball wrote:
Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:08 pm
Wow. No fans at Wofford games.
Looks like the MunchkinPups probably rec’d some pressure from Players’ Family Members & updated their plan yesterday to allow them to attend. Should be more, but it’s good to see some schools are, at least, keeping an open mind about their plans & not digging their heels in, just to be the most virtuous “science-believers” and/or to exert their unquestionable author-i-tie!

https://woffordterriers.com/sports/202 ... ation.aspx

“ Football
Parents of student-athletes can attend - must be on the approved pass list. No students or general public allowed. No ticket sales.”

On another SoCon note...Mercer set their Home game Kickoff times. 3:30 for 3 games & 6 PM for the 4th. Should allow for great pre-game tailgating & this is a quote from their release about setting the Kickoff Times...

“Season Tickets Available
Season tickets are currently available for the upcoming 2021 Spring Football Season. Due to limited seating, fans are encouraged to visit click here or call the Mercer Ticket Office at (478) 301-5470 as soon as possible to secure tickets in a timely manner.”

https://mercerbears.com/news/2021/2/5/ ... unced.aspx
 #36403  by DeepPurple
 Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:41 am
We have dynamic running backs and fullbacks. We are solid in this area. I cant wait to see these guys do the deal.
 #36409  by The Jackal
 Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:48 am
apaladin wrote:
Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:08 am
Not a big deal unless all 6 are really good, lol
It is a pretty big deal.

Furman had the SoCon's best defense last year. A lot of what they did was use substitute packages with 3 or 4 CBs on the field at one time. Two of those typical rotation guys - Trapp and and Weems - graduated.

That was a huge problem for teams in passing downs or against teams that throw it a bunch.

Last season, Furman surrendered 16 ppg against the SoCon's top four passing offenses (VMI, Samford, UTC, Mercer). In conference play, Furman pretty easily outpaced every other defense in passing numbers.

Having 6 rotational CBs isn't something a lot of teams can do.
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