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PostPosted:Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:27 pm
by The Jackal
Not Furman baseball related, but in a similar vein.

Stanford cut their wrestling program after 104 years. The Stanford wrestlers in the national championship tournament have been wearing generic black singlets instead of their school colors in response.

Tonight Shane Griffith will wrestle for Stanford in the national finals bout at 165 wearing the black singlet.

Just wild to me that a college program is potentially going to win an individual national title and then cut the program.

Re: Stanford

PostPosted:Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:42 pm
by cavedweller2
I salute him. I remember when Furman un ceremoniously eliminated wrestling in 81? Or so.

Re: Stanford

PostPosted:Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:34 pm
by Fred Garvin
Props to the wrestler. Stanford is yet another school with an admin that lacks the testicular fortitude to just say that sports are being canceled because of women. It ain't covid, it's the thing that has never lost.