• Looking Ahead

 #13942  by Top25
 Sun May 05, 2019 10:11 am
Not to say that this year's team is done, the SoCon tourney will depend on which team shows up, who gets hot and how the defense is playing. If they get their act together there's a chance they can make some noise especially playing at the Drive.
They were picked to finish 7th and should end up at 5th. They should finish with over 20 wins which compared to earlier in the year is a minor miracle

Either way, there's good hope for next year. All the lefties come back and there's a good nucleus of righties returning. 3rd base returns and plenty of the infield. Need to find a surehanded SS even its a .250 hitter or less. A good SS might not have large number of RBIs but can save several RBI's per game

It takes a while to build a program. IMHO BH is on a slow but steady trajectory (of course that's today. They lose 8 straight and all bets are off :) )
 #13948  by apaladin
 Sun May 05, 2019 11:49 pm
Pitching looks ok for next year but we do lose 2 of the top hitters in Richards and Boswell. Speaking of Boswell anyone know if he is out for the year. He hasn't played in well over a month. Good to see freshman pitcher Rob Hughes back after being out a month.