• Furman Citadel summary

 #91599  by gofurman
 Sat Oct 05, 2024 11:34 pm
Love to hear your thoughts - positives and where to improve. Game thread gets long.



QB and others grew up today. Loved to see how the D - even 40 came out of injury tent - to celebrate and congratulate the O !!

what a half by a FR QB ! He grew up a lot. The whole team - especially offense - did !!

We made some GREAT CATCHES. TE, WRs some tough catches were made. Very impressive !!!

Pass pro was pretty good …

Our DL did well vs the middle (between tackles) runs of the Citadel

ONLY ONE TURNOVER. HUGE. Much better ! Even turnover ratio

Need to improve -

PLEASE get some run game. PLEASE. Some run blocking by the OL !! Watching us is like watching old Wake Forest. Finesse passing with no power MAN ON MAN run. game. Strange. Just surreal from a Furman and CCH team.

Pass protection from our RBs. We whiffed some here. Hidden took some big hits because of this.

Option defense? Man we struggled getting the pitch man. Like if someone could explain what block was springing the option against us ? . Was our DB getting shoved and beat by WR blocking. Was their tackle or TE beating our DE or edge on some such. Because that option play they ran was extremely successful over and over

Penalties at very inopportune times. Jump offsides gives 1st down to Citadel. Facemask gives 1st down. Seemed we would have them stopped on third. Give first down with penalty... they go on to get a TD or usually a FG. SEEMED many penalties were on 3rd down. To be fair I think we on,y had five penalties which is much better !
 #91607  by Paul C
 Sun Oct 06, 2024 8:40 am
I think our D is becoming a strength.

If The Greatest Defense In FCS History (tm) from Macon surrendered 393 yards and 21 points to the offensive juggernaut aka The Citadel, then any team that holds said juggernaut to just 257 yards and 16 points should be spoken of in quite grandiose terms.
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